To be perfectly honest I am more Flinestone than Facebook. The whole social media thing hasn't really grabbed me mainly because I don't really need to know what people are doing every minute of the day. Call me old-school but I've resisted up until now. If I want to talk to a friend I'll pick up the phone. It's more personal than doing it on a keyboard. I fear the art of conversation could be on its way out! And who really has 1,500 mates - come on, none of us do. I know - I sound like a cranky old man!
So what changed? Well after taking a look at it I can see the merits of it from a business perspective. I think if a business ignores social media they are doing so at their peril. Although I wasn't a huge fan of social media many of my clients, acquaintances, and friends are and by ignoring social media I think you risk losing touch with that important business foundation. So here I am all Facebooked and Twittered up. Although I'm not yet prolific or even proficient I've taken the step to the Facebook generation. Here's my Facebook page and my Twitter page. Hope you enjoy the posts. If you do then sign up as a friend or follower. I wont explain how to do that because you are probably a hell of a lot more proficient at it then I am. Enjoy. Oh, and I'll get a photo up soon - promise.
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